Have you ever dreamed of playing professional basketball? Here is your opportunity. Team Warparty is currently looking for Basketball Players, Coaches, Administrators, Athletic Trainers, Strength and Conditioning Coaches, and Sponsors. For more information or to contact American Indian Basketball email warparty@aibasketball.org
Basketball players who have the work ethic, dedication, and discipline to succeed at professional basketball are encouraged to apply. Especially basketball players that have college and professional experience. Email warparty@aibasketball.org your basketball resume or contact information. Momma boys, Cry babies, and Haters need not apply. Ballers Only!
Basketball coaches are encouraged to apply. If you have college or professional playing or coaching experience and want to lead the next generation of warriors, don’t hesitate to contact American Indian Basketball at warparty@aibasketball.org. Thank you
If you are an American Indian athletic trainer, strength and conditioning coaches, or officials and want work experience and are willing to help get more American Indians into different professional basketball leagues, please email warparty@aibasketball.org