Location: Courts Plus 3491 S. University Dr. Fargo, ND 58104
Date: March 19, 2022.
Onsite Registration will begin at 9 AM
Testing will start at 10 AM
Cost: $25.00 non-refundable RSVP Limited Spots Available
Body measurements: Height, Weight, Wingspan, BMI.
Athletic abilities: Vertical, Bench, full-court sprint, and full-court sprint
while dribbling.
Basketball Skills: Right/Left Hand Dribble, Layup/Teardrop, Short
Jumper, 3pt Shot, Free Throws.
Players will be invited back to showcase their basketball skills in
scrimmage games at 2pm.
To register or for more information contact Charles Bercier (701) 278-2162 or
email Bercier.78@gmail.com